As a standard on campus, the Georgia Tech Office of Emergency Preparedness recommends that outdoor activity be suspended for at least 30 minutes when lightning is detected within 8 miles of the campus. When there has been no lightning within 8 miles for 30 minutes, outdoor activity can resume. This is especially encouraged for all outdoor events and a requirement for Georgia Tech Athletics events & competitions. Event managers should always plan for inclement weather when planning outdoor events, to include a means for receiving lightning alerts, a plan to communicate a suspension or cancelation, and finally a shelter location for participants. Event managers our encouraged to work with our department for this type of planning, in addition to weather forecasting and decision support.
Lightning Alerts
The Georgia Tech campus community may sign up for email alerts for lightning by going to and subscribing to gtpd-weatheralerts-public. Alternatively, you can send an email to with the subject line: "subscribe"
Alerts are sent when lightning is within 8 miles of campus and then again once there has been no detected lightning within the 8 mile area for 30 minutes straight. Please note that based on the nature of some storms, you should always look at the radar before assuming that you are in the clear. It is not uncommon to have a multiple thunderstorms in the area and as one passes, another is right on its heels.
Event Managers who may need text alerts temporarily for boundaries greater than 8 miles (12 miles, 15 miles) for planning purposes, should contact our office directly for assistance. We can place you and your team members on text alerts for 8, 12, and 15 mile radii to allow you to initiate certain preparatory actions ahead of a storm.